Guided by the Father

ElephantThe heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9

We are counting on this and we rest with confidence in its truth!

We leave in two days.  The flight has long since been booked.  The passports are in hand.  Immunizations are up to date.  We are ready to go!

I sent an email to my co-workers yesterday asking that they cover this trip in prayer for safety and revelation.  I stated that we knew that the Lord may not reveal specifics during this trip but that we are confident of Him and rest in His timing.  My friend, who has been a missionary to Uganda, sent back a reply to that email.  She encouraged me to journal for the entire trip.  She said that she believed that we would indeed receive direction and answers but that they can be very easy to overlook.  She believes that many things will be revealed, that could be overlooked at the time, as I look back over my journal with the blessing of hind-sight.  Sounds like the wisdom of experience to me.

Many months ago my Mom gave me a journal, so I think that I will put it to use on this our first trip of what we hope is many.  I will record the random thoughts and ideas that pop into my head and seem to have no rhyme, reason or purpose.  I will record those thoughts and revelations that do make sense. I will record those mundane thoughts too; all with the intent of not only chronicling my journey but to be able to look back over it and receive fresh new revelation.

When we return home, I will have the opportunity to pour over my journal and to glean new insight. Some of these thoughts I will share with you. Some I will keep to myself, close to my heart.  Some will be for Todd’s ears only.  All will be a result of our gracious heavenly Father’s tender loving care and guidance.

Until next time,
