Hamad Int'l Airport Gift ShopWelcome to Kiryandongo DistrictFamily outside hutsBusy Ugandan streetTraditional hutsWelcome to KarumaWelcome to the mission compoundTeam HouseLibrary and Multipurpose Gym/worshipWelcome, Uncle!Ministry Training CenterHospitalHospital PharmacyHospital PharmacyGeneral WardNurses' storage and med roomEmpty WardLast game on the court before paintingLocally grown pineappleRead this sign. I love it!Agricultural CenterGoat houseView of Nile from Team HouseNile OverlookPriscaHosman & JosephProssey, Prisca, & SharonFish and chips (Nile Tilapia)Nile Sunrise at Team HouseView of High School from LibraryBrenda, Nurse MidwifeTeam House quartersAt the Nile with HosmanHosman wants me to follow himNile riverbankAssistant JanetNurse Midwife BrendaDina, Nurse MidwifeUgandan kitchenNile sunriseFred, X-ray tech, and refugee from DRCNile overlook with JanetNile sunriseAlarm cluckBeauty SALOON?butcher shopSilver Fish (dried minnows), for adding protein to any. mealJess B-day in LibraryPriscaJudith presents Jess' cakeEunice and JessPraise teamPastor Gitta FrancisNurse Patrick and son EthanJanet & Ethan (dad in background)Laceration Pack contentsLac Packs ready for autoclaveflowersflowersFootball (soccer) teamsJerome, my football companion (Patrick's son)Nurse PatrickNurse Patrick on defenseDoctors' quarters and gardensJanetapproach to Karuma BridgeNancy's new training centerNancy's new training centerbeehive apiarytraditional beehivehoney deliveryThe bee queen, Nancy CardozaCynibel, the Gulu SupermarketHuts, but square. Fancy!approach to Karuma BridgeBaboons patrol the bridge areaKaruma Nile overlookMissionary Nancy Cardoza, of GuluJanet matched my bandanaGoing away and birthday cakeGoing away and birthday partyCool ambulance visiting!This gives me an idea.Promise entertaining Praise Zam, Robert, and PraiseCharge Nurse MirriamG-nut shelling outside the hospital General WardG-nutsScrubbing Day LuncheonWelcome back, Janet!Welcome back, Shalom!Barr Abollet Village home of friendHey, driver, my brother went to that schoolA get-well gift from the nursesZam's birthday cakesMy buddy, Robert, and Praise, his sonHospital Dedication PlaqueCharge Nurse MirriamAtim Betty & Photobomber HarrietJanet shows off her beadworkDennis presents "Africa Loves You"Welcome to Chobe LodgeKaruma roadside marketGathering on the nurses' lawnGathering on the nurses' lawnJonathan & PreciousDancing with EthanProvidence and JonathanMirriam's presentationClosing prayerMy gift watchK-MorrisShalomMissionary Row (the road from Team House to hospital)Lt. Alex, our impromptu passengerApproaching Lake Victoria, Faze 3, and Entebbe Int'l AirportFaze 3 Dining PatioAirport Guest House - EntebbeAirport Guest House - EntebbeAirport Guest House - Entebbe