Author Archives: Todd

Saturday 29/5

My friend's family as we drove away

I was invited to the village of Barr Abollet, near Lira Town. It is about a two hour drive with the potholes on Lira Road, but the experience was worth it. One of the nurses, who asked not to be named, asked me to come to the home of her family so I could bless them. While I did pronounce a blessing over her mother, father, and family, I think I was the one blessed most by the exchange. This family welcomed me like royalty. Bringing a cushioned chair outside from their home, they placed it under a mango tree and had me sit while every family member came by for an introduction. Though it was only tea time, they brought out a cooked chicken and rice, a treat I well know is reserved for special occasions. Passers by stopped to stare and wave, as if they had never seen a white person in their village before.

This particular family struggles to scratch out a living, since the father was blinded by an aggressive soldier in Idi Amin’s army years ago. Now in forced retirement, the two grandparents care for the orphans of two of their deceased sons with little more than a garden and his daughter’s nurse salary. They may have little but they were willing to share it with a stranger. They sang and danced to share some of their culture with me. It was an honor. They even invited me to come back and build a home on their land. Now that’s hospitality!

After blessing the home and family, my friend took me to the Lira Main Market to meet her two sisters, who are vendors there. I felt like I was being paraded around like a celebrity, though it was merely that I am a “Moono” (white person). Whites are popular around here, and Americans are expected to be rich. So much so, that my brother got a wedding proposal sight unseen, since I, being married, am off the market. (David, remind me to tell you about your fiancé. Her bride-price is only four cows.)

As great as the trip was, I miscounted the zeros in my cab driver’s price. When I paid him 30,000 UGsh ($8.11),which I thought he said, he corrected me and showed me his previous text which indicated a price of 300,000 UGsh ($81.08). That certainly makes more sense, but I I’ll have to be more careful in the future.

My driver, Kunde, wearing a shirt from my brother's university

It is my house guests’ last day today, and they sat around the dinner table telling stories of what they saw on their safari. It was a nice closing to a nice day! The Burleson’s will be missed.

Sunday 30/5

Pastor Gitta proclaimed protection over the pulpit of the mission church, and condemned anyone who does not speak according to the Word. He taught on “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV), and encouraged everyone to test what they hear from any speaker against the validity of Scripture. Then he invited my friend Robert to preach. Robert did a great job bringing the Word, and reminding us of our identity, which is in Christ Jesus. 

After a brief nap, I got to participate in my American Sunday School small group via Zoom. It is always good to be with familiar faces, even if only as screen representations of people thousands of miles away.

The Cessnun family invited me to their home church Bible study and to dinner afterward. When I go to the Cessnun house, I feel a part of their family. Each member of their family is devoted to God, to each other, and to making others welcome in the name of Jesus. I’m even learning most of their names. There are eleven of them, so that’s a feat.

Monday 31/5

I tried to go to work and be helpful, but my eyes are watering, my nose is dripping, and I’m sneezing. The president just addressed the nation yesterday and reminded everyone that Covid is real, and that if he doesn’t see people taking it seriously he will institute another lockdown. Understandably, everyone is now masking and expecting everyone else to be masked, especially when their nurse is sneezing all the time. Noon, about the time my eye started swelling, I left to go get some Benadryl, ibuprofen, and rest. I woke up seven hours later.

Before I left I had the privilege of working next to my friends, Patrick, Samuel, and Janet, who had returned as though nothing had happened. All the staff welcomed her back to the hospital.

On my way back to my quarters, I passed a girl of about eight years, carrying a baby on her back. As I passed, I called out, “Iree ma be,” (which is Acholi for “good afternoon”), and she stopped in her tracks. Her face lit up with joyful surprise as she asked, “Uncle, you speak our language?!” I assured her I was learning, and we counted to ten in Acholi together right there in the middle of the road. She seemed thrilled, and I was proud I had taken the time to try.

Tuesday 1/6

I’m badly congested, sneezing, eyes and nose watering, and a new chesty cough has developed, so I stayed home, not wanting to alarm anyone at the hospital. It was a day of rest, but I got a few household chores done: laundry, cleaning the kitchen, throwing out old leftovers to tidy up the fridge.

At about 6:30, I heard talking at the front door, and went to see who it was. Jess was at the door telling a group of six nurses and their kids that I was not available. Then she turned around to see me and said, “Well, I guess he is.” They had come to check on me, wish me well, and bring me their healing beverage, Mango Juice. They aren’t as big on oranges around here as we are, so this is their home remedy for sickness. I was honored so many of them came to check on me! Among them were: General Ward Charge Nurse Mirriam, Head Midwife Rose, Patrishia, Harriet, Scovia Susan, and Scovia Aling. They were afraid I wouldn’t be back, but I told them I still have ten days. The sound of that number echoed in my ears after they left. Ten days? Am I really down to just that much?

It began to rain as I drifted off. I am hoping that will clean the air of some of this dust!

Wednesday 2/6

When I walk to the hospital I usually pass several students going the other direction to school. Most of them smile, greet me as “Uncle,” and give me high fives, some of which are rather low. (I wish I could share photographs of the little ones.) They are all adorable! But today, while I was distracted trying to play with the camera feature on my phone, I saw my little toddler friend, who is the daughter of one of the staff nurses. This precious little thing saw me and came running toward me with a beaming smile, yelling my new Acholi name: “Mucungwa! Mucungwa!” and slapped me a very enthusiastic high five. What a greeting!

A quick view of my walk to work

It continued at work! I was welcomed like a prodigal when I arrived. (Note to self: don’t tell people you are sick in Uganda. They think you’re dying.) It was good I was there, because the 25-bed ward was filling. At rounds, the clinical team decided to discharge a few but we filled those beds up quickly too. There was really no time to sit even with three of us on the ward, but when the busiest part was done, Patrick announced he was leaving to go bury his grandmother in Gulu. I was happy to cover for him, not only because it’s why I’m here, but he has become my friend, and he has lost two close family members in less than a week.

I wish you could all know these nurses and the staff here at the mission hospital! There is something amazing about all of them, and each of them individually. I feel like I have a new family of friends here. I could never replace my JSO family, or my Baptist Health family, but I’ve got a new one here.

Cindy reached out to extend condolences to Patrick and then shared with me what he wrote in response. His faith in God and devotion to family shone through, and so did his grace and appreciation of Cindy, even while she remains home caring for her own aging family. I love that guy!

Thursday 3/6

I was all set to give the devotional meditation at the daily staff gathering, but at 7:30, I was still all by myself in the hospital gathering place. After quite some time, someone arrived and explained it is Martyrs Day, a national holiday celebrating all the martyrs who died attempting to bring the Gospel to Uganda. At 8:00 the rest of the group joined us in the ward, and the main clinic opened at 9:00, as it does on weekends and holidays.

It was a crazy day, with the ward nearly full. Even so, at about 2:30, Head Midwife Rose came to fetch me to an imminent delivery. I was first going to just observe, but I noticed the midwives did very little encouraging, comforting, or coaching, and this deficit was compounded by the fact that the expectant mother had no family support, so I took that role. When I first offered her my hand to squeeze, she seemed uncomfortable with the suggestion, but two contractions later she was reaching for it like it was life. I praised, coached, and comforted almost right through the birth, which happened far too quickly, while the midwives were scrambling to slow the baby’s arrival.

Afterward, I received the baby from the midwife who caught the baby, and I held her on her mother’s chest, patting and rocking her to keep the breathing consistent. I suctioned the airway with a bulb syringe and watched as baby surveyed her new environment. She stopped crying quickly and looked around, even tasting the air. She was absolutely precious!

Dina, Nurse Midwife

I massaged the uterine fundus, because if I remember anything Dr. Taylor taught us in Nursing school it was to “massage the fundus!” This ensures complete separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.

I kept Mom informed of baby’s activities and demeanor while the midwives did their business, birthing the placenta and suturing the torn perineum. There was a little more hand-holding for some of that, and by the time it was all over, Mama seemed as happy that I was there as I was. I never let on it was my first delivery as a nurse. A lot of what I did I got from being a LaMaze coach for three family deliveries, this time with more official authority.

As if that was not enough to make it a special day, The restaurant oven is now fully functional, and Judith tested its function by making a pizza for Jess and me. We had chicken, bacon, cheese pizza, right here in Uganda like a couple of spoiled Americans. It was great!

I was invited to Robert and Zam’s home for birthday cake after dinner, so I arrived singing “Happy Birthday” to Zam. Once again they included me in their family, as we sang songs, played with the baby, and blessed each other in prayer. I do love being with this group! Praise and I developed a kind of toddler football (soccer) in which Unkie tries to kick the empty coke bottle between Praise’s feet. He is a pretty good goal keeper, but I scored on him a few times and we all laughed a lot.

Zam's birthday celebration

I walked home in the dark under a moonless sky, and noticed the fireflies here are pretty similar to the ones back home. The differences here are the noises in the dark are much stranger. I heard rumors about hippos and a leopard who roam this property at night, so I was hyper alert for my near-midnight walk.

Friday 4/6

Nothing earth shattering happened at work today, except that the place was full. It seemed like everyone’s IV cannula needed replacing, so for a large part of the day, I was piercing the arms of strangers without the vocabulary to apologize for it.

The topic at the hospital more often than not these days is how short my stay is getting. The staff likes to joke about ways to keep me here, or at least bring me back soon. I guess I am making an impression.


Seven years ago, I made a plan to come here to Uganda and make a difference for the sake of Jesus Christ. I also made a commitment not to wait until I got here to start living according to the mission to which the Lord has called us all: to love as He did, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, show compassion to the fatherless, teach the Gospel, and make disciples. Each of us is to be a Christ reflector in the world wherever we are. Some of us just get sent farther to do our thing.

The trouble with going to the nations, is there is an expectation of some new spiritual darkness to confront, or some earth shattering shockwave resulting from this going, but the reality is that spiritual darkness is pandemic. I find little spiritual difference abroad than at home since it is the entire world that needs a Savior. I have a lot to learn from the folks here, and I hope I can find some way to sow into their lives as well. Broken hearts are everywhere. Some are further burdened by poverty, others by guilt and shame, but they all have one common need—to be loved, and to know that God loves them. This, I have well communicated. Furthermore, I have shown a few nurses that nursing is far better when engaged with the patient rather than merely automatically performing the tasks and duties of the office.

I am in East Africa for the fifth week of six at a mission in Karuma, Uganda. Here are my journal notes for week four. I cannot post each day because WiFi access is a precious commodity.

Saturday 22/5

What a wonderful day I had today! My friend, Missionary Nancy Cardoza, came from her busy mission in Gulu to transport Jess and me to Gulu. She showed us her new beekeeping facility, a 9-acre lot carved from the bush, and improved with bee apiaries to protect several bee hives, which she uses for honey collection, but mainly for the training of other beekeepers. Nancy and her associates have just built a beautiful, big training hut, good for holding classes, both in beekeeping and quilting. After we left the apiary lot, Nancy took us to her honey shop, where we saw every manner of beekeeping equipment and an assortment of honey varieties. A truckload of raw honey was being loaded for transportation to a bottling facility in the south, and I was amazed to see the sheer quantity of the honey collected by Nancy’s associate bee farmers.

The three of us went to a popular restaurant in Gulu called Elephante. We had a little taste of home, and as we ate our chicken, bacon, ranch pizza, we even got to meet the meat supplier, an expatriated American. Everywhere we went in Gulu, we came across people Nancy knew or who had some connection with the mission at which I am serving. It’s a big country, but it’s a small world!

Sunday 23/5

The worship service this morning was indoors, and the joyful noise was deafening again inside the brick and concrete building. What’s more, much of the worship was in Acholi, so I could only hum along. Visiting Pastor Jeremiah, whom Director Espirito recently met in Gulu, preached today.

A truckload of honey is being weighed and loaded. Each 20-litre bucket contains about 65-70 kg (143-154 pounds) of honey.

He spoke about Matthew 10:41: “Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward.”

Every pastor speaks, but not all are grounded in the wisdom of the Word. That’s all I have to say about that. What I did hear God say to me through that verse is that hospitality, especially that extended to one sent by God, will not go unrewarded. While I do not identify as a prophet or even a righteous person, I am encouraged to know that those who have made me so welcome will receive a blessing for it.

Dr. Brad & Mrs. Nathalie Burleson arrived with their three children, Addy, Braden, and Jayce, for a one-week dental mission visit. I got to show them around a little and introduce them to Maryanne Cessnun, who took over the welcoming role just as I started to get ready for Janet’s big birthday and farewell dinner party.

Most of the crowd gathered to wish Janet farewell and happy birthday

We packed ten people around the patio dining table and feasted on roast pork and chips (fries). When the girls could hardly lift their forks, we brought out Janet’s cake. We played a story telling game in which each girl told a story that started with, “When I first met Janet...” Some of them had us laughing quite a lot. Janet was thrilled with her special day, and I was overjoyed to see her surrounded be people who care about her all enjoying themselves.

"We love U Janet" cake

Monday 24/5

Just before I left for work, my friend, Janet, stopped by the Team House to say goodbye before she left. She handed me a note and I prayed over her and blessed her journey. I was running late and didn’t want to ruin my note during work, so I snapped a picture of it and went on my way, leaving the precious page safely in my quarters.

I was privileged to show the Burelsons around the hospital and to introduce them at the staff devotion. All five of them went straight to work, like a well-rehearsed team. Having been on dental missions in many places, they were well aware of how to deploy the resources with which God had blessed them for this mission trip.

During a break, I escorted Addy and Jayce for tea and to the river overlook. They seemed happy to be there and were as excited as I was to see the river from their Bible school classes.

Sometime in the morning I remembered the note I had got from Janet. I opened the picture file on my phone to read it, and it left me crying. She told me she had often been hopeless, despairing even of life, “but your coming into my life changed my whole story. When (I) am with you I even forget that I am an orphan, because you showed me all the parental love I missed from my parents and brothers.” She said, “Someday I hope I follow your footstep and also change the world around me.”

I said it before and I’ll say it again: if I only came here to meet and love Janet, the trip was worth it! ...But there is even more here to do and love.

My buddy, Janet, and I show off our matching bandanas.

Work on the ward was light and I spent the slack time building relationships and practicing my Acholi. Many of the staff are helping me. The ward charge nurse, who I have begun calling “Mama Mirriam” because she cares for the ward and those of us who work there like a watchful mother, has been especially helpful, even threatening to stop using English altogether. She helps me conjugate verbs and corrects my grammar, so I am not merely a glossary of a few repeated words. Nurse Nancy, who is Nurse Patrick‘s wife, was also quite helpful today. If it were up to Patrick, Nancy, and Mirriam, I would never leave this place. If it were solely up to me, I would carry these there with me, along with Patrick and Nancy‘s two small boys, anywhere I go. The three of them are highly skilled nurses and extremely brilliant. They all wish they could come to America, and not only because a Ugandan nurse only makes about forty cents an hour, but because each of them wants to learn what it is like to be a nurse with nearly limitless resources.

There was a football game at the pitch, and I met the Burelsons there. Braden was playing with the big boys and holding his own. The boys, some of whom had six years on him, said, “We were impressed!” What they didn’t say, but I know from talking with them was that they were surprised an American could play football so well. We Americans have a reputation for being awful at soccer.

Jess came over and we both had dinner with the Burlesons. There was so much left over, it took both Jayce and me to deliver it to the boy’s dorm. They were only too happy to have a share.

Robert, the information technologies specialist, came to visit and brought with him a WiFi router and a dinner invitation. I will join him and his wife, Robina, at their home on Tuesday, and they will join us all at Team House on Wednesday.

Shalom visited and attempted to get some connections on her phone, so she could arrange to visit her family in nearby Lira. Since Team House has WiFi and power, she was compelled to visit “Uncle Todd.”

It was a long day, and I went to bed exhausted.

Tuesday 25/5

Sister Sophie brought the Word at staff devotions this morning at the hospital and moved most of us to tears. Her voice cracked with emotion as she thanked God for forgiveness, and it inspired me to look at grace more gratefully in that moment. What a great way to start a work shift!

At morning rounds, there were only three patients in the General Ward and two of them had discharge orders. The Maternity Ward was down to a new mother and baby born the night before. It was a slow day. Just about the time I was ready to dismiss myself early, in came two new patients, one a severe roadway traffic accident trauma, and the other a baby with malaria and infection associated anemia.

I got a vague text from my young friend, Janet, indicating she was in some kind of trouble. When I briefly spoke with her, I became even more alarmed as she said she could not talk with her hosts around. I prayed and turned my helplessness over to God, yet still spent the day concerned.

While I fetched blood from the lab’s blood supply, I inquired about donating. I was invited on the next blood run to Gulu so that I may donate while we are at the blood bank. American blood banks will not take my blood for twelve months after visiting Africa, but Africa will.

I had dinner with Information Technologies Expert Robert, his precious wife, Zam, their baby boy, Praise, and their helper, Promise. For the night, I was welcomed, not only into their home, but into their family. We ate a wonderful dinner of mashed matoke (plantains) and boiled sweet potatoes with g-nut sauce. Delicious! We sat around the family room, playing with the baby who, until tonight has screamed every time I came around, but tonight tolerated me and even gave “Uncle” a hug and kiss. After we shared stories a while, Robert played the guitar while we sang worship songs, prayed, and said goodnight. It was a wonderful night with new friends!

Promise entertains Praise, while both dance with buckets on their heads in the home of Robert and Zam.

Before I retired for the night I received a call from Janet indicating she would be coming home tomorrow.

Wednesday 26/5

There was a staff meeting, but since we are hosting a visiting preacher, he was allowed to speak... as long as he wanted. When he finally finished, we had our staff meeting, which also went long. During the meeting, Dr. Robert recognized me and announced that I would now be know by my recently acquired Acholi name, Mucungwa (pronounced Moo-choong’-wa), which means citrus fruit. The Acholi have one African name and one English “Christian” name, like Otim Robert or Awor Mirriam. Yesterday I announced I was taking an Acholi name, and I guess word got around.

Charge Nurse Awor Mirriam helps me learn the Acholi language as well as nursing with limited resources. She has made me feel at home.

Janet update: she is safe with friends, but was somehow prevented from coming home.

I was amazed at lunchtime when, again, the nurses marveled that I spend time sharing with them and eating their local food with them. They remarked that no visitor had ever done that before. When I wondered out loud why not, Mirriam joked, “They think we are baboons or that our blackness will rub off on them.” I hope and pray they have never been made to feel that way, but I could tell there was disappointment behind her laughter. These nurses are every bit as caring and professional as any with whom I have worked, a few of them as smart as any nurse I know. I count it a privilege to share with and learn from them. Coincidentally, I have heard it is precisely because I did not condescend to them that I enjoy such a close relationship with many of my coworkers.

Work was light, but there were motorcycle trauma cases and more malaria. I’m getting better with pediatric patients. The two kids ages four and six seem to like me even though I have to stick them with needles in the mornings. I get fist bumps and smiles when everyone else just gets the business look.

I left work early to report my concerns about Janet, who was still not back, to the Child Care Office and then to the Managing Director. He got some answers right away, and I was glad I brought the matter to him. It turns out she is not far away, and will, God willing, return tomorrow.

Robert, Zam, Praise, and Promise arrived for a shared dinner with the Burlesons. We had a great time sharing the feast Judith had prepared: cassava chips (fried yuca), stir-fried beef strips, bo (a local green), Irish potato chips (fries), and banana (the sweet, yellow ones you know). It was nice to introduce the two families, and nice to have God-honoring fellowship.

Mucungwa (me), Zam, Robert, and Praise at Team House

Thursday 27/5

I gave the devotion at the morning meeting, and taught on the attribute of God—triune, as indicated in Titus 3:4-6. Since last week I basically taught on the trinity providing for God’s ability to be immanent (present with us) in Spirit, I took the opportunity to add to my devotion a redirect from the speech of yesterday’s visitor. I believe God was honored, the truth was spoken, and those congregated were edified.

I had a talk with Pastor Gitta about a concern I have with a visiting preacher among the flock while he was away. He is a good shepherd of this flock, and was grateful to hear that I was being watchful in his absence. We both were proud when I reported that several of the older girls had also discerned the visitor was speaking untruth.

I didn’t get nearly enough sleep last night, and it began to show in my clinical work with stupid mistakes, so I excused myself to take a nap. I woke up at 7 PM to the sound of the Burlesons leaving Team House. As they left for dinner elsewhere I found myself alone for supper. As if on cue, my friend, Jessica the librarian, stopped by for a visit. She had dinner plans elsewhere too, but it was nice to have a visitor. It turns out she is having some construction work done on her house, so she will stay in the opposite dorm at Team House next week. While the Burlesons wrap up their visit here, this was excellent news.

Judith and James arrived while Jess was visiting, and Judith informed me that one of our patients had died after I left. It seems the way of things here. Yesterday, I was informed at morning rounds that a 17-month old who came in for an abscess and a fever had died suddenly in the night. I cannot explain how it feels losing someone I barely know, but in whom I have invested my care. The loss claims a piece of the caregiver as it whisks away the soul of the departed.

Tomorrow is “General Scrubbing Day,” the last Friday of the month, when all the nurses come in for a top to bottom cleaning of the Ward. I am throwing a surprise lunch for them, with beef and chips, a special treat for these nurses, who live on a salary that equates to forty cents an hour.

Nurses gathered in the hospital restaurant for a Scrubbing Day luncheon. (from top left) Nancy, Scovia Susan & Precious, Grace & Comfort, Mirriam & Providence, Samuel & Joshua

Friday 28/5

Today, the devotional speaker misunderstood the schedule for his turn and, so, was not prepared. Instead, Sister Sophie, the PNO (primary nursing officer) gave the talk, and she based it on mine from yesterday, confirming all I had said. Afterward, Mirriam commented, “It must be nice to know we were listening to you.” It actually was very affirming.

Today was General Scrubbing Day, so everything got cleaned. The nurse who didn’t show was assigned to dusting cobwebs and sweeping the veranda, so I took that job, which fiercely aggravated my sinus allergies. I was sneezing and snotting the rest of the day. That is not the kind of living sacrifice I intended for the day.

Everyone did such a great job, it was a joy to treat the nurses from my Ward to lunch. Most brought their kids when they heard there would be meat and chips (beef and fries). We had a great time, and I, Mucungwa, was made honorary grandpa of the kids who came.

Even with my sniffles, I took a walk with Jess around the property. She is competing with someone in the States for activity points, but I left my smart watch home for fear of the lack of charging ability. Silly me! Power isn’t a problem here.

Everyone has been invited out for dinner so I’m home alone in the Team House. I’m hoping to hear news tonight that Janet is safely home, but so far I have not. I’m finally resting in front of the fan in a quiet house.

I got a visit from Shalom.

My dinner was delivered and it was far too much for me to eat, so I prayed that God would send me a guest. I recorded a little video message for my family and, in it, I said, “I just prayed for a guest to join me, so before they get here I thought I would say hello.” Just after I put my phone down, there came a knock at the door. Janet is home safely, and she came to let me know! Not only that, but after Janet fixed herself a plate, Shalom arrived, just in from her home village. We had a nice time catching up, but I am exceedingly relieved to have both girls on the safe side of the compound gate. I asked God for a guest and He sent the two I had been praying for most right to my doorstep! Hallelujah!


The Lord is blessing me through the people or this mission, and each one I meet tells me that I am a blessing to them. I trust God will continue to make this so. I have heard some of the nurses say that the way they care for patients changed because of the way they observe me with them. Some of the youth here have said my love for them inspires them. I do not feel practically beneficial in this setting where so much has already been done, but I trust that, like the Little Drummer Boy, as long as I come before my King and play my little part, He will be glorified.

God bless you, the reader of this journal. May you be brought to a deeper understanding of the breadth of God's glorious kingdom, and may you be inspired to live wherever you are in the mission of going and doing like Jesus has done, loving our neighbors, attending to the sick and imprisoned, washing the feet of our companions, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and making disciples of all nations, in all the authority of Heaven and Earth, which He commissioned us to do.

In Christ's love,

Mucungwa Todd

I am in Uganda, at a mission which 220 orphaned children call home, and host to a fairly new hospital where I have been working. As you will note, I am still seeking God's will for my future, and am developing relationships that will always matter to me in one way or another. These are my journal notes for the past week. My apologies for the delay in posting. I had technical difficulties. The WiFi here is fairly unpredictable.

My Karuma trekking team: Freda, Janet, Shalom, Winnie, Prisca, and Jess "Cool Mom." Eunice joined us after this picture was taken.

Saturday 15/5

Today I walked with a bunch of girls a little over 3 miles (5 kilometers) to the nearby town of Karuma. To call it a town is actually a stretch, but there is a congregation of people gathered for commerce and there is an intersection of two roads, so we call it a town, though it is more like a "village." There are wall-to-wall shops and open-air market vendors, butcher kiosks, and street peddlers. We toured around a little, bought a few things, and, when it was time to head home, found our friend, Robert, who had come in a van to take us back to the campus. Just going along helped me develop relationships with these few ladies, but practicing my Acholi along the way built me some street credit with those we passed.

It was “visitation day," a day when a very few are visited by whatever family member(s) care(s) enough to make the trip, and everybody else just feels left out for a while. I heard the girls talking about how, growing up, they always hated visitation day and cried for weeks, while the favored children ate their special treats and wore their new clothes. Sitting on the floor of the back of the van with several  of these girls, I announced I was there to visit all of them. Their smiles and laughter were priceless.

Librarian and missionary Jess "Cool Mom" Washburn, on her 37th birthday.

When we got back, we were all horribly hot. I returned to Team House and started journaling. Janet, who has been on the Karuma trip, came over and chatted with me at the dining table for a while. She poured out a story about her family that made both of us cry. Without going into much detail, I will say that her story made me think my law enforcement background, nursing foreground, and ministerial heart might be the perfect formula to start a battered women’s shelter. It is a very real need, though it would not be popular with the traditionalists in the area who think women are the property of men, regardless of how they are treated.

After Janet left and I got last weeks’ blog posted, I attended a birthday party for Jessica “Cool Mom” Washburn. She shared her party with everyone else born in May because she is, after all, “Cool Mom.” We watched football (soccer), danced, laughed, and ate chicken, chips (fries), cake, and soda, all of which are real treats. I can’t remember having this much fun at a birthday party. Happy birthday, Jess!

Sunday 16/5

Pastor Gitta Francis brining the Word

Pastor Gitta was on fire preaching this morning. So much so, that two congregants approached him while he preached to add an additional offering. It was kind of a joke, but we all knew he was preaching truth. He was talking about how so many professors of Christ want to claim the blessings of His companionship but fail to accept the discipline of obedience that goes with it, accepting Christ as Savior, but not as Lord. I am happy to hear the mission congregants are receiving this word, since it often gets left out, even in America. Christ’s lordship is how discipline toward sanctification begins.

After a brief nap, I went to the house of my two sponsored children. I had been trying to make plans to take lunch with them since I arrived, but the timing never worked out. Vivian is a busy teenager and school starts tomorrow. Daniel is eleven, so he hasn’t a care in the world. Still, his school starts tomorrow too, so I took the opportunity to share a meal with the house. All the other kids were painfully quiet, shyly giggling and turning away when I spoke to them. Auntie Lydia, the house mom, made a feast of chicken, rice, black beans, and greens. It was delicious! Ugandans have a custom that a young person kneels when introduced to an elder. It is a demonstration of respect, but it does make one uncomfortable who is not used to it. I have remedied this by taking the hand of the youth, lifting them up, and hugging them. This I did a few times at Auntie Lydia’s house. 

I was invited as guest of honor for the closing ceremony of the kids' football tournament. As such, I said a few inspirational words, then presented each of the awards of excellence. I was especially proud that my sponsored child, Daniel, received recognition as “the most disciplined player.” This event closes a football season and marks the end of the kids’ school break, so just about everyone was there. They each received a drink, the younger a fruit juice cup and the older a soda, and they all had a great time. 

During the final match, I was approached by my friend Maryanne, the wife of Dr. Colby Cessnun, who invited me to dinner at the restaurant at the nearby village of Karuma. She even extended an invitation to join her family of eleven for their in-home, Sunday night church service, which I was privileged to attend. 

Dinner out with other missionaries, fellow Americans from Texas, was enjoyable and informative. We shared ideas and concerns well into the night, and the hotel and restaurant staff were very accommodating. 

Monday 17/5

Jess says it takes some time for the stomach to adjust to African food, but each time she visits, the adjustment period gets shorter. So far, my system still has not settled down, and today, I felt it more than usual. I had a light breakfast and skipped lunch to come home and nap. 

Before my nap, though, I re-heated the dinner that was prepared for me and took it to my nursing colleagues, Patrick and Patrishia, at the hospital. They were thrilled to get such a treat and I was happy food wasn’t spoiling in the non-working fridge.

Janet presents her beadwork

After my nap, Jess came over for dinner and Janet walked in as we were finishing up. Janet had bead crafts to sell and I took her entire stock to bring home and sell for her. She was thrilled, and is now funded for a trip to her summer job, where she can hopefully make some of the school-supply money she will need when she starts nursing school.

In a quiet moment after all was settled, Janet asked me, “Why do you love me so much?” I don’t know if this young lady has felt loved much before except by a few here at the mission, so it was a real touching victory to hear that she knew she was loved without my saying so. 

Tuesday 18/5

My stomach feels much better after the rest I got yesterday, but I’m still not at a hundred percent.

I worked with Mirriam and Samuel in the morning. We received an elderly patient transfer from another clinic, who was not responding to malaria treatment and who had developed shortness of breath. After being on our ward only about two hours, she went into respiratory arrest and then cardiac failure. Dr. Cessnun and I performed CPR for about twelve minutes, but with no return of spontaneous circulation. She died at 10:30 AM. 

It was a very busy morning with new arrivals, the death, and treatments that demanded the attention of all three of us. Janet had to work her regular job but somehow managed to arrive earlier than usual on such days, claiming that, because she has only a few days left before she leaves for the summer, she wanted to spend as much time with me as possible.

There was a big staff meeting at 3 PM that all were asked to attend, on duty or not. Given some of the announcements and rumors floating around, many had feared bad news, but there was none. It turned out to be a 2-hour in-service training on blood transfusions. 

While I waited for it, though, I was asked to present the staff devotion on Thursdays as long as I am here. I love bringing the Word, so I jumped at it. I did not want to appear reluctant like I did on my first day.

Jess brought friends, Janet and Sharon to dinner. Finally! No leftovers!

Sharon proved to be quite the bat hunter and disposed of one of the flying critters from out of my dining area. Before you go thinking long, black, leathery vampire, let me redirect your thoughts to a furry, white mouse with wings.

Sister Sophie, the Primary Nursing Officer at the mission hospital, leads us in worship each day at staff devotions

Wednesday 19/5

The day started with strange news at the mission hospital. The clinical directorship was reassigned from Dr. Colby Cessnun to Dr. Otim Robert. There was a lot of shock and disbelief throughout the ranks as Dr. Robert asked for everyone’s support, though he, himself, was recruited in 2000 to this hospital by Dr. Cessnun, who is credited as pioneering the clinic here. It would have been easy to feel numb after such an administrative decision, but Dr. Colby took it in stride, and continued on clinical rounds with a smile and his usual clinical competence.  I was riding the wave of Colby’s disappointment, but his countenance is so high, it is easy to set aside the ill feelings and get on with whatever is necessary. His attitude is amazing!

Thursday 20/5

I led the staff devotion this morning, and didn’t get much sleep, thinking about what I would say. My assigned topic was the immanence of God as articulated in Isaiah 57:15. The British spelling of that word made me wonder if I was to speak of God’s eminence or His immanence, so I talked about both, and how His compassion drove Him to leave the high and royal Heavenly throne to reestablish unity with His fallen creation. I prayed for God’s Spirit to teach me what to say, then wrote a bunch of notes on my phone. During the talk, half my notes were missing from my phone, forcing me to rely only of what God called to my mind. Afterward, the missing notes mysteriously reappeared on my phone. Wild! 

Mirriam, my friend who is honest with me enough to tell me if I use “lazy speech” (American slang with undisciplined annunciation), said I used none and was absolutely clear. Sister Sophie, the Primary Nursing Officer (PNO), closed the meeting by saying, “I couldn’t possibly add anything to that.” I took that as a high compliment.

The day was long and slow on the General Ward, and even more so in Maternity, where they only had two patients. I did what I could, and tried to stay near the fan, because it seemed very hot today, though the Weather App only said 87 degrees. I think it has more to do with how much sun is shining. Overcast days are infinitely cooler, but this “wet season” has been remarkably sunny.

Nurse Patrick (in green) defends against a teaching staff player (in red).

About 3 PM I was in the Lab, and Isaac, the lab tech, told me he was just about to search me out, and declared, “We have a serious problem.” While I thought perhaps I had made a clinical mistake with the lab samples, Isaac showed me his football (soccer) roster and explained the Hospital Staff Men’s team was a man short, and he needed me to fill the spot for “back-up goalkeeper.” I guessed this must be an honorary position since they were asking me, a fat, old Mzungu (white person), to fill it, so I let him put me on the roster of the roster for the Hospital Staff vs. Teaching Staff game this afternoon.

As word spread of my inclusion on the roster, I recognized this was no small thing. Many who addressed me acted as if I would actually play. I got nervous! I went back to my quarters, changed into the only shorts I brought, and applied enough sunscreen to make it through whatever happened. Hallelujah, our first string goalkeeper stayed healthy the whole game, and we won 2:1, with me safely in the sidelines!

At dinner, Jess reconfirmed, “For them to ask you this shows again how accepted you are. They wouldn’t do that for just anyone!” They do take their football seriously around here, and both teams were seriously skilled. It was an honor to be their mascot for the day.

Friday 21/5

Yesterday, a 27-year-old woman arrived with nothing more than a productive cough. This morning, she was attached to every monitor on the ward to piece together enough working components to suffice. When I asked why, I was told her condition worsened overnight, but that was all. I figured I would hear more about it at rounds. While we started rounding at the other end of the ward, we only got through about three patients when the family members of this one woman began to wail, and my friend, Nurse Patrishia began to collect the monitoring devices from off the newly deceased patient. I responded to help with another “last office” (preparation of the deceased). That’s five in my three weeks here. But since this ward serves as ER, Medical-surgical, progressive, and ICU all in one, I guess that’s pretty good.

Later in the day, the nurses told me I was the first visiting missionary to spend time with them or take lunch with them, and that none had ever tried to learn the language. I was shocked but also wondered what else one would do. I feel like the language barrier is keeping me from expressing the love I came to share. Before the day was through, the new clinical director, Dr. Robert, announced to the ward, in jest, that he was canceling my return trip to the U.S. so I could stay here and keep helping. It was a funny joke, but served to affirm that my presence here is appreciated. The others present, Nurses Mirriam and Patrishia, Dr. Judith, and Clinical Officer Jennifer, all echoed this wish that I would stay. That was a good feeling, but I can’t let an ego boost confuse my search for God’s will for me. 

At 5:00, Janet and I walked back to the Team House where she made us toast while we listened to worship music. She is leaving Monday, so she said she is spending as much time with me as she can. 

After dinner with Jess and Janet, I got a visit from Shalom, another of the adult students. She is smart and talented, but has some decisions to make, and is scared to make them. We prayed together and talked about how God has given me directions at times. She knew about Gideon’s fleece (Judges 6), so I told her to pray specifically, and the right doors would open like a wet fleece on the ground.

Imagine every high school Junior or Senior you’ve ever known, or think back to when you were trying to make the decisions that would shape your life. Now complicate that predicament with shattered families, no parents, poverty on a scale you can’t even imagine, and a culture that still believes a woman’s place is in the home, and you might begin to get a glimpse of what goes on in the minds of these young women. Worse yet, polygamy is common and so is domestic violence. Even if a girl hasn’t experienced these things yet, it weighs on her mind as a possibility for her future, because of what many witness in their dysfunctional exposure to what limited family they do have.

I may not be evangelizing on the street corners or winning souls in the hospital ward (yet), but my dinner table has born witness to some tearful exchanges. “Uncle Todd” is gaining the favor of the men and women I serve here, even if I don’t know what is next. Today marks the half-way point in my visit. I have been here three of six weeks. On one hand the time has flown by, and on the other I feel like I have loved these people a lifetime already. How will I ever pull myself away in just three more weeks?

My view from outside the Team House patio