Giving Tuesday

This year for Giving Tuesday will you consider partnering with us? We will be leaving for Uganda next fall to serve with a mission in Uganda, East Africa, where war, disease, and poverty have left an estimated 2.6 million children orphaned and many more in need of the loving care of Jesus. There are those who go and those who sow, and we are looking for supporting senders to be a part of our mission.

To participate in this mission, visit our Donate page. There you can give a one-time Giving Tuesday donation or enroll in recurring giving and be part of an ongoing mission to send your love and resources across the globe where it is so desperately needed.

Whether you choose a one-time or recurring gift, we would like to say "thank you" and ask that you keep this ministry in your prayers as we move forward toward God’s call on our lives. May He richly bless you according to His bountiful grace!