September crunch

The Lemmons have a lot going on this month! I am still working on partnership development between many household projects. If you have not received a call from me, please let me know. I'd love to get together with you. We are still only 26% funded for our launch, so there is a lot of work to do. I will return to Uganda for another six weeks starting September 23rd, so there is a lot to finish before I go. That makes for some serious time crunching. 

Cindy’s parents are aging and in need of assistance, so she has decided to remain in the U.S. to be near them, at least for the time being. She still plans to join me in Uganda for short spells as circumstances allow, and to join me full-time in the future. Until then, she remains my administrative genius here in the States, while I will be the boots-on-the-ground overseas, at least for now.

The housing market being what it is, we decided to downsize and sell our big house. Since Cindy will be staying stateside, we put in an offer on a small condominium across the street from our home church, and our offer was accepted. Closing on the condo should take place around the second week of September. As we do some minor repairs on the big house and prepare it for market, we expect to sell right about the time I will be settling in Uganda, leaving Cindy, my administrative whiz, to handle the sale all by herself.

We have begun the process of officially organizing as TLC Uganda, Inc. with the intent of filing for tax-exempt status as a 501(c)3. So far, the only update I have received about that is that our name is approved. I look forward to introducing our board members on a separate page, but for the time being, allow me to recognize them (in alphabetical order): Melody Bruno, Nancy Cardoza, Dennis Cooke, April Tapp, and Melissa Workman. We are thrilled to have them on our team, and can’t wait to get started. 

In the meantime, Cindy and I are re-tiling floors, spackling and painting walls, updating bathroom fixtures, and getting rid of a lifetime of household tchotchke. If we could tip the house on its end and dump out all our belongings it might save some time, but we are stuck doing it the same way millions have done before, with tedious sorting, boxing, and selling. Matthew 19:21 has never meant so much to us: “Jesus answered, ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’”

We are working on it. Pray we will accomplish all that has been set before us, without serious injury, and with what sanity we have intact. Thank you!