Happy New Year!

2023 has come, and along with it, the hope of more opportunities to love others and share resources with our brothers and sisters in Uganda. Cindy and I are packing for our departure in two days. Cindy will visit for two weeks, quickly touring to check in on our sponsored kids, associates, and our home in Gulu. I will remain for three months, during which I hope to continue building relationships and cultural relevance in the northern territory of Uganda known as Acholiland. I hate to admit it, but my Acholi is getting rusty already. A work permit is one of my first orders of business, but there will also be a lot of real estate investigation. We will follow up on the possible acquisition of a vacant hospital in Minakulu. I will also be viewing several properties with potential for use in TLCU’s other planned projects, which include a church meeting hall and community outreach center. 

Our ambitions are bigger than our budget. Still we are faithful to do what God has called us to do, acknowledging that it is out of His riches, not ours, that He will glorify Himself (Philippians 4:19, Ephesians 3:20). At this time of year, while you are praying for us on this trip and developing your annual budget, would you consider joining us as a financial partner? A commitment to monthly support would help secure our place in Uganda and open that window of blessing to our impoverished brothers and sisters there. Not everyone can “go into all the world," (Matthew 28:19) but we are more than happy to represent you!

God bless you and your families this year! May God’s richest blessings warm your heart to overflowing, so that all with whom you have contact recognize that you have something they also need. 

We would love to hear from you while we are in Uganda, but we turn off our American phone lines while overseas. Instead, try us on WhatsApp or Instagram

Cindy with our new granddaughter