A walking miracle

On the same day Cindy and I arrived in Uganda this January, there was a horrific bus crash that rattled the senses of everyone in Uganda with a radio or newspaper. We were mortified to learn that our friend and neighbor, Morris, his wife Beatrice, and their four-year-old son were in that bus when it crashed outside Kamdini. Beatrice and fifteen others were killed instantly. His son would die two days later in the hospital.

Photo credit Monitor.co.ug

Morris had his legs crushed and was in critical condition for weeks. His wife's sister, Brenda, stayed with us while she was on holiday from her boarding school because she has no other family. Morris is the kind of guy who was always looking for ways to help us out, offering to wash our car or go to town for us. Now he was in St. Mary's Hospital at Lacor, fighting for his life. We could do little but visit and pray, but prayer is the greatest thing anyone can do. Isn't it?

Abeja Beatrice, Morris' late wife

Morris was discharged from the hospital shortly before I left Uganda this month. While he was in the hospital, someone burglarized his house and took everything. This man has lost everything in his life, but he remains as faithful as Job. I stopped in for one last visit as I was driving out of town headed for the airport. He was sitting outside his house across the street from ours, repairing a phone for someone in need. He was so encouraging! I went there to bless him, but he blessed me and my journey and smiled as he said, "I have lost everything, but I am believing everything will be okay."

Yesterday, Morris sent me this photo of him leading worship at his church. Can you share with me a "Hallelujah"?

Last year, Morris asked me for a specific keyboard, which he could not get in Uganda, but which was available for $250 in the US and would cost us another $200 to carry over on a plane. I repeatedly told him, "I cannot afford to bring this back from the USA," but he insisted, "I believe that God will make a way." Today I am convicted to ask you who follow and pray for us if you might be interested in helping to make Morris' dream come true. Contact us to find out how to contribute to that end or visit our "contribute" page.