Tag Archives: Isaiah 55

Dear friends of TLC Uganda, 

Pandemics have a way of altering even the best made plans. Don’t they? I imagine many of you have had your lives, homes, and schedules more than a little disrupted. We can relate. We had expected to travel to a mission compound this fall. As James 4:15 recommends, we were careful to say, “if God wills..” when speaking about our intentions. This season of uncertainty seems to be proof of the vanity James warned against. 

Uganda remains closed to outsiders. Furthermore, Uganda’s President Museveni has taken a position of abundant caution, so our trip will likely be pushed back to next spring. Meanwhile we wait, cautiously optimistic about our future in Uganda. We are reminded that God’s timeline is not ours and His ways, perspectives, and purposes are loftier than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). So, we submit to wait until the Lord opens the door for us to proceed. Meanwhile we pray that His will is done and that a way will be made clear for us even in this present darkness. May His Word be a light to our path and a lamp for our feet (Psalm 119:105). 

God’s timeline is not ours and His ways, perspectives, and purposes are loftier than ours.

Please pray for us. We, like many of you, have come under attack in this season where discontent, like a cloud, overshadows our communities and one hateful act justifies itself into a flood of others. It is not only our plans that got tossed in the current storms. Our families, marriage, jobs, church, finances, physical and emotional health are all at risk in this tumult. We crave the relief the Spirit brings when God’s people pray. Thank you in advance. God bless each of you reading this, and may He protect you and yours from the deceiver running rampant (1 Peter 5:8) in our culture. May He empower you to be bold influences of grace, salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) in a bitter, dark world.